Today I am everything I ever have been.

Hello, I'm Trecia (tree-sha) and I'm a community builder. I like to facilitate conversations that range from playful to challenging. My background is interdisciplinary, and I thrive in translating the in-between spaces of business, government, climate change, public health, and human relationship.

I thrive on acting as the connective tissue to communities and workplaces; I make what you do feel smooth.

I adapt strategies used for young children into group settings for grown ups, to help us amplify our creativity, grow our confidence and big ideas, and form new bonds.

I like to build empathy in big groups, by reminding individuals of all the experiences and identities that have carried them to their present moment: not just the ones that look good on a resume.

I write on the intersections of public health, climate, technology, and gender. Follow my writing on substack:

Education: Masters of Science in Community Oriented Public Health Practice, University of Washington, 2017

Bachelors of Science in Community & Regional Development, University of California, Davis 2010

Experiences: agricultural program manager, researcher, teacher, public health liaison, graduate student, multi-day river trip guide, personal chef, baker, administrative assistant, song writer, theatre nerd, amateur instrumentalist, essayist, poet, punk rocker, wilderness first responder, agricultural inspector, bar tender, retail clerk, world traveler, barista, yogi, daughter, wife, sister, mama, friend.